Sunday, 5 May 2013

Why do people

like to send messages to their boyfriends/girlfriends by posting the messages on their facebook status updates? Can't they just create a private message window or something? Why do people feel the need to publicize everything? To make everything public, everything known, to everybody, when clearly it doesn't involve everybody? Is this a thirst for attention? A compensation for the attention that they cannot get in real-life? Or, to create a "perfect" lifestyle online, making people into believing that he/she has a wonderful life? Why... Why... Why... Perhaps I'm a little cranky trying to come up with ideas for my COM258 exams. Thinking between a year-long campaign (what do I do to make a campaign last for a year? Even google seems to fail me at this time) and a promotion for a new brand of sport shoes and sport wear. And thinking back, the other question I planned might not be on track. Emailed the professor, hope he might be kind enough to enlighten me a little.

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