... Studying for my last two exams in my university life evokes a feeling of ambivalence. Perhaps, "bittersweet" might be a more romantic term to use. "Bitter" because everything is coming to an end, and "sweet" because everything is, likewise, coming to an end. Frankly, I really enjoy university life and if I could re-live it again, I would lived it better. Sad to say, I know many things and know that I could do many things (exchanges, internship, etc) a tad too late. Nevertheless, I'm glad for all the things that I've learnt, the classes I have attended, and the people (be it friends, professors, strangers, etc) that I have met. And these are the reasons why it's "bitter". But, as my FYP professor has told me, an end is the beginning of something "new". Something positive, I hope. I guess parts and parcels are mandatory in life and "this too shall pass" suggests that bad and good things will eventually come to a full stop. For this semester, I wished I could befriend Sebastian, or whatever his name should be spelt in Dutch. A poem has been running in my head the past few days, about my missed opportunities with Sebastian. I shall write it down, when the thoughts become more coherent in my head and I am able to string them into words. I know there are still a few more days to the end of the semester, which suggests a tiny possibility of me meeting him again, but what are the possibility? Well, to quote a song of The Beatles, "Let it be".
I will end this post with a poem I found online:
Source: http://s-undayevenings.tumblr.com/post/49521775396 |
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