Friday, 3 May 2013

Mobile Advertising

Was reading the slides for my COM258 - Integrated Marketing Communication module and contemplating about the exam questions. And then I received a mobile advertisement on my mobile. Wondering how feasible is mobile advertising? Why would anyone use mobile ad in the first place?! True, it reaches out to people personally through SMS-es and such, but how many people actually read the content, no matter how concise it is? Perhaps it's only me, or do other people similarly get frustrated and irritated by mobile ad that you wished you have a block button to block the numbers from sending you mobile advertisements? And how reliable are they actually? The Internet is a much colourful place when people want to look for products and services, isn't it? And mobile ads, stop being so irritating. I wish I could block you guys from my mobile. I feel an unknown whelm of frustration and irritation whenever I see you guys. Get lost.

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