Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Facebook New Feature: See your search in your activity log

It scared the hell out of me when I saw that facebook actually has this feature that allows me to see who/what (no matter if it's a friend, a person, a singer, a band, etc) I searched for in my activity log. Luckily it's only visible to myself and not to public. But still, it was scary. To think people actually know what I searched for! Not like it's something shouldn't be known, but still...

I'm using Facebook English (UK) version so I'm not sure if it's available in other versions. And do you all think Facebook will make it visible to public in the near future what everyone actually looked up in their searches? Is that a good thing (know who's "stalking" you) or a bad thing (let people know who you actually "stalked")?

And, will we have too much information that we do not want to know? Who actually cares what another person searched for, unless it's someone special, like a love interest or close friend, isn't it?

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