Thursday, 21 February 2013

He's just not that into you

Admit it. Wake up to that fact.

His race, personality and/or nationality are certainly not excuses for his passivity. If he's interested, he should take the initiative, especially when you have already taken it twice. Some people may think chivalry is dead, some may think that there should be gender equality so guys need not necessary make the moves. But face up man, if one is interested in someone, one will at least take the initiative to initiate something, even a simple "Hi" on the phone.

Stop finding excuses and live in self-denial.

Personally, I'm not romantically-inclined to him, just wanna be friends. But sometimes, I think taking initiative should be a two-way process, not just one part initiating it all the time. Oh well, oh well. On the bright side, at least I get positive responses when I took the initiative. But it makes me afraid to continue to do so for I'm afraid I'm not so lucky all the time. Oh well.